
Knit Pouch

The second knitting kit were the pouches. It came with these two colors of yarn.

I did make a "practice" one with blue, but I didn't really care for the color too much...
Coincidentally, the zippers in the kit were again, pink and green! So, I decided to make with my own yarns using these zippers.

This time I learned how to increase and decrease the stitches addition to adding a design like from the last kit.

And of course, how to apply a zipper...

As you can tell, it was time-consuming and a struggle! I almost got attempted to use sewing machine instead of hand stitching it, but it probably would be still difficult to do anyway...!
My yarn was a bit thicker than the one came with the kit, so I had to adjust a little to fit a zipper in, maybe that made it even more difficult! Argh... but pink was irresistible!
Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with how it came out even though it is a bit crooked.. lol
Green one to come... soon, hopefully...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meezie! Your story is very interesting. Also, you are one talented lady! I'd love to be able to do all the stuff you make but can't seem to find the time to learn. BTW, is it too late for me to learn? I've been having this curiosity/interest in learning.
    (I'm trying to become a follower but my PC recently had a virus and now I have many features blocked. I'll try again some other time. Love the name "Pink Avocado"!
    Hugs from PR, an island also!
